Component: Defined Benefit Plan, Amounts Recognized in Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) [Hierarchy]

Line Label Object Class Period Type Balance Name
1 Defined Benefit Plan, Amounts Recognized in Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) [Hierarchy]




2 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Adjustment, before Tax, [Roll Up] [Abstract] us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentBeforeTaxPeriodIncreaseDecreaseAbstract
3 Defined Benefit Plan, Amounts Recognized in Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net Gain (Loss), before Tax [Roll Up] [Abstract] us-gaap:DefinedBenefitPlanAmountsRecognizedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeNetGainLossBeforeTaxAbstract
4 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Unamortized Gain (Loss) Arising During Period, before Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeDefinedBenefitPlansNetUnamortizedGainLossArisingDuringPeriodBeforeTax
5 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Gain (Loss) Recognized in Net Periodic Benefit Cost, before Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeReclassificationOfDefinedBenefitPlansNetGainLossRecognizedInNetPeriodicBenefitCostBeforeTax
6 Defined Benefit Plan, Amounts Recognized in Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net Gain (Loss), before Tax, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:DefinedBenefitPlanAmountsRecognizedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeNetGainLossBeforeTax
7 Defined Benefit Plan, Amounts Recognized in Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net Prior Service Cost (Credit), before Tax [Roll Up] [Abstract]



8 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Prior Service Cost (Credit) Arising During Period, before Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeDefinedBenefitPlanNetPriorServiceCostCreditArisingDuringPeriodBeforeTax
9 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Amortization, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Prior Service Cost (Credit) Recognized in Net Periodic Benefit Cost, before Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeAmortizationOfDefinedBenefitPlanNetPriorServiceCostCreditRecognizedInNetPeriodicBenefitCostBeforeTax
10 Defined Benefit Plan, Amounts Recognized in Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net Prior Service Cost (Credit), before Tax, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:DefinedBenefitPlanAmountsRecognizedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeNetPriorServiceCostCreditBeforeTax
11 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Transition Asset (Obligation), Recognized in Net Periodic Benefit Cost, before Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeReclassificationOfDefinedBenefitPlanNetTransitionAssetObligationRecognizedInNetPeriodicBenefitCostBeforeTax
12 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Minimum Pension Liability Net Adjustment, before Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeMinimumPensionLiabilityNetAdjustmentBeforeTax
13 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Finalization of Pension and Non-Pension Postretirement Plan Valuation, before Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeFinalizationOfPensionAndNonPensionPostretirementPlanValuationBeforeTax
14 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Adjustment, before Tax, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period

